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Birth Preparation

“Birth is not about making babies. Birth is about making mothers – strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength”  

Barbara Katz Rothman.

"Welcome to our Birth Preparation Workshop – your gateway to equipping you and your partner with the knowledge, confidence, and skills you need for a positive and empowering childbirth experience. Our workshop is designed to ensure you're fully prepared for this life-changing event."

Our workshop is designed to empower and support expectant parents as they prepare for one of life's most extraordinary moments: the birth of their child. Whether you are first-time parents or adding a new member to your growing family, our comprehensive program offers a wealth of knowledge, guidance, and resources to ensure that you embark on this incredible journey feeling well-prepared, informed, and ready to embrace the beautiful experience of childbirth.

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Our birth preparation workshop is ideally suited for around 30 weeks gestation. You and your birthing partner will learn ways to fully prepare the mind and body for labour and birth.

What you can expect to learn at your workshop

Combining Tradition with Active Birth Principles: Our workshop seamlessly blends traditional antenatal education with active birth principles to provide you with a holistic approach to childbirth.


Understanding the Physiology of Labour: Gain insights into the fascinating physiology of labour, from what triggers its onset to the factors that can slow it down..


Working with Your Body and Baby: Learn how to harmoniously collaborate with your body and baby, adapting to the various stages of labour as they unfold.

Support from Your Birth Partner: Discover effective techniques and strategies for your birth partner to support you throughout labour, ensuring a connected and empowering experience.


Medical Induction and Interventions: Explore medical induction and interventions in a clear and straightforward manner, whether they are a chosen or necessary path in your birthing journey.


The 3 Stages of Labour: Delve deep into the three distinct stages of labour, from the early signs of labour to the delivery of the placenta, arming you with knowledge for every phase.

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"Elevate Your Experience: Exclusive Services Tailored to Your Every Need"

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The Baby's Journey: Understand the incredible journey your baby takes through the birth canal, emphasizing the importance of Optimum Fetal Positioning for a smoother birth.


Breathing Techniques: Practice and master invaluable breathing techniques for labour, helping you stay calm and focused throughout the process.


Optimal Positioning: Explore the significance of body positioning and gravity in labour and learn how to make the best use of these factors for a more comfortable birthing experience.

Positioning and Movements: Get hands-on experience with various positions and movements that can facilitate cervical dilation and assist in the birthing process.


The Birthing Ball: Discover the benefits of using a birthing ball for pregnancy comfort and during labour to enhance your overall birthing experience.


Importance of Relaxation: Understand how relaxation plays a pivotal role in the progress of laboir and learn a simple relaxation technique to stay grounded and serene.

"During your Birth Preparation Workshop, we'll emphasise the importance of expecting the unexpected and empower you with the flexibility and readiness to embrace all possible turns of events, ensuring you're well-prepared for any scenario during your childbirth experience."

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Induction Of Labour

In our workshops, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of induction of labour, including  methods of induction and the induction process, addressing potential complications, ensuring you know what to expect every step of the way.

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Spontaneous Labour

In our birth preparation sessions, you'll gain valuable insights into spontaneous labour, learn how to recognise the signs and understand the different stages and discover essential techniques for preparing both mentally and physically for this extraordinary experience.

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Analgesia in Labour

At Zita Maria, we recognise that managing pain during labour is a crucial consideration for expectant parents. That's why we offer a comprehensive guide to analgesia in labour. Our workshop covers the various types of pain relief available, along with a thorough exploration of their risks and benefits, not only for you but also for your unborn baby and your newborn. We delve into how specific analgesia options can impact the establishment of breastfeeding, ensuring you make informed choices that align with your birthing preferences and postpartum goals. Your comfort, well-being, and your baby's health are our top priorities, and we are here to provide you with the knowledge and support you need for a positive birthing experience.

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Why chose Zita Maria for your care?


Our prefessionals are experts in women's health and pregnancy-related care, providing you with personalised and compassionate support.

holistic approach

We believe in treating the whole person, addressing both physical and emotional well-being for a comprehensive and empowering experience.

tailored care

Your journey is unique, and so is our care. We customise our services to meet your individual needs, ensuring you receive the attention and support you deserve.

empowering you

Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and techniques to take control of your well-being, both during and beyond pregnancy.


Join us for our birth preparation workshop and embark on the path to a confident and empowered journey into parenthood. We're here to support you every step of the way.

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